Obama Assassination Poll on Facebook Was Created by a Minor  

Posted by Anton Abraham in

I was shocked that whoever put down the question "Should Obama be killed" on the facebook. I understand that it's freedom of speech but it's wrong to put it on the facebook and trying to get our attention to see if it's threat or not. Facebook should have some kind of proection that they won't put a "threat" question or poll on it. We'll see what facebook will do in the future. I do have respect for Obama and it makes me upset to hear couple negativity concerning him. Wondering if we can give him the support and working together to make United States better.

Do you think it's alright to use that poll that was create by minor on the facebook?

Read more at: http://mashable.com/2009/10/01/kill-obama-poll/


Oh wow, yeah it is hard to say when freedom of speech is no longer applicable. Large-scale sites such as Facebook are hard to patrol, but I was under the impression that Facebook have people called "Facebook Police" that serve the purpose that they describe in the article about "policing user-generated content." I guess even with "police," just as with crime in real life, some things go unseen. The difference is on Facebook, it is documented.

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