Patriot Act Extension is Approved by the Senate  

Posted by J. Exton-Elton Rood in , , ,

Okay, so this doesn't have all that much to do with Internet Marketing on the surface, but Mr. Anton Abraham's post about the military working with social media made this news article seem relevant. I mean the Patriot Act being extended along with the military's sudden interest in Social Media usage? That seems to say a lot in just a few words. I mean we've already said in class and even seen that stuff on the internet lasts forever, and worse it creates profiles of you and your internet activities for companies to work marketing strategies around. But instead of companies out to make money, now we've got the government enjoying easy access to the fact that I buy an awful lot of American History books on Amazon. The Patriot Act extending forward AND governmental social media networks are being established...seems like a rather dark combination.

Read about the Patriot Act Approval process here.


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