Study: 54% of companies ban Facebook, Twitter at work  

Posted by Concetta Lestingi

That is surely 54% of companies I would NOT like to work for! I completely understand the logic between not allowing it in the workplace (lower productivity, inappropriate content, possible viruses?), but still not a company I'd like to be a part of. According to the article, only 10% of the companies surveyed allow full access to social networking websites.

Some more interesting statistics, 77% of workers with Facebook admit to using it at work, and of that, 87% admit to having no real need for it during business hours. I'll admit it, I am a Facebook addict, and perhaps I will have no real need for it in my future workplace, but I want to work at a laidback company, that doesn't place so many restrictions and encourages self-expression. Sometimes, we all need a mental break and Facebook can be that distraction, no?


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I actually think the companies have the right idea in banning social media sites at work - it's what I would do if I were a manager. I also know that if I have Facebook at work, I will use it, and I will use it so often that it will distract me from my work.

Unless I have too much free time on my hands already, it's best that I don't go creating any myself. Better to remove temptation.

On a side note: Blogger should really add an edit option to the comments.

I am guilty of also checking my Facebook during business/school hours even though during that time, I don't really see any new changes on the News Feed. I did this a lot during the summer where I would use my phone and check at least every 30 minutes. I do agree that we need a mental break every so often and it's interesting that I just posted a study where they said these breaks help us become more productive.

Although I think many times companies don't allow us to use the networking websites because everyone may take advantage of it. Then people may just be on it all day instead of actually working. I know not everyone would do that but sometimes that one person can just ruin it all for us.

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