The Gadget Buyer's Decision Process  

Posted by Mark in ,

A funny but true flow chart that describes the thought process that goes on when someone buys a new gadget.


I would have to agree with Mr. Russ 100% on this. It seems that as technology has been reflecting on a huge decrease in moral and ethical values in places where technology is available.

Haha that was really funny. It is true how many people in our society constantly come up with excuse after excuse to buy new items...

That's really funny, but I think my chart would start with: does it come in a fun color? does it look cool? and is it cheap? I think it's also sooooooo true about the whole "you should probably hold off. the next version's coming out in six months" for Apple. But really, I think that quote can be applied to most businesses that make gadgets because they tend to just throw something out into the market to get market share and then a few months later come out with a newer version that is cheaper and fixes all the glitches of the original.

This flow chart is both funny and true. I always find myself trying to rationalize a buying decision with these reasons. Its funny how Apple has become known for releasing updated products multiple times a year. Its difficult to keep up with all of their changes. I personally own a Macbook that I got when I came to college, and there have been so many new versions that have come out since, that I sometimes feel like mine is obsolete. I feel like Apple is pretty successful in convincing buyers that they need to stay on the cutting edge of technology.

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