How easy it is to hack into Facebook  

Posted by Chelsea Bruha

This article explains an unexpected occurrence with a Georgia mother and two daughters signing into their Facebook accounts through their mobile phones.  They signed in with their normal password and email, only to view the information of a complete stranger.  They had access to their privacy settings, password, email, you name it. 

It is possible that this mistake happened due to a "carrier routing problem," but this truly is another way that the Internet can lead us (and our information) astray.  Is this enough of a warning to scare people away from putting information on the Internet? Probably not.  You decide, after reading the article, here.


While this issue is something to be concerned about, I personally am not scared away from using facebook. No matter what you are doing online and what profiles you maintain, simply being online in itself gives up privacy. If you are worried about losing control of your information, you should not be online to begin with.

In an opposite view, I think it is very scary for someone to have access to that amount of information. There are privacy settings for a reason, and you set preferences based on who you want to see what. For example, I dont need my mom or my aunts looking through all my pictures etc. Additionally, I have a setting blocked where noone can see my email. I dont want to get even more junk email than I already do. If people have access to this information 'by accident' I cannot imagine the potential damage it could cause. This article is a good reminder of how much information you truly want to put out over the internet.

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