Google Buzz Vs Outlook 2010 Social Connector?  

Posted by Jeffrey Millan in

The question on some consumers and speculators minds is whether Outlook will allow Google Buzz acess on their Social Connector media service coming out in June 2010 or will they decline. Google Buzz is Google's new social connection they introduced that's attached to Gmail. Outlook Social Connector "promises to transform Outlook 2010 into a live network teeming with contacts who share not just e-mail, but chats and texts through Windows Live and documents through SharePoint. Messages received from a "live" contact will be adorned with that person's availability, location, and a record of recent activities." LinkedIn has already signed up as a partner with Microsoft and their is rumor that Facebook will follow. When questioned about Social Connector, Windows Live product manager claims that it is being created to connect to social networks, not to become one. He claimed that there are already too many social networks out there so there is no reason for Google to create another one. When asked if they would include a connection to Google Buzz with Social Connector, Microsoft stated they will not deny access, they will leave the decision to Google whether to join or not.

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From what I have read, Google Buzz is off to a bit of a shaky start with security and customer service issues in their first week. Obviously they are so large they cannot be easily dismissed. As far as a partnership with Microsoft, I think it's interesting that MS is considering Outlook as the interface for social networks. they seemed to be phasing out the product, particularly to home users, who often don't get Outlook bundled with Office Home or Student edition. Perhaps they are trying to make it relevant again as more people look elsewhere to manage email, or are turning away from email use.

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