Iranian Government Bans Gmail  

Posted by Elyse DeRoo

"Iran’s telecommunications agency announced what it described as a permanent suspension of Google Inc.’s email services today, saying instead that a national email service for Iranian citizens would soon be rolled out. It wasn’t clear late Wednesday what effect the order had on Google’s email services in Iran.”

This might have to do with the Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, which is tomorrow. Earlier in the week, there were posts about limited and disrupted internet connections. Also, there were reports of disruptions in cell phone service. What makes this more interesting is that there is suspicion about the election last June. Before the June election, the Iranian government suspended access to facebook. Social media is important for these citizens it is how we communicate. It is something everyone is relying on to send information. What would you do if all of a sudden the US blocked access to Google email and facebook? I wonder what the true intentions of the Iranian government are by implementing this new policy.

The full article is available here.


I also heard that the Iranian government decided to do this because of Google Buzz. I'm fairly certain that the Iranian government will not be able to provide anything close to what Google provides unless they reversed engineered the technology. Control of communication has always been the key to maintaining power. It's what revolutionaries and rebels clamp down on when they take it.
I would love to see the terms of service and privacy conditions when the Iranian government rolls out their email service.

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