Opt Out of Google Analytics Tracking  

Posted by Jenn Liang

Article:Google Will Soon Allow You to Opt Out of Google Analytics Tracking
Link: Here

The implications this could have on many businesses' marketing efforts seems pretty negative. If Google allows users to opt out of tracking their own personal data/information, site owners will be losing extremely valuable information they use to analyze their consumers and audience. Google being one of the top services for web analytics, this could take a toll on many. Read more from the article link above.


I feel that there should be an option to opt out of the program because they can essentially gain a good portion of you information just from having you visit a site which is a little unsettling.

This is very interesting. I recently read a very similar article that outlines how Google is planning on doing this. Apperantly they are working on a browser plug-in that would allow the user to be exempt from Google Analytics statistics. I wonder what sort of effect that this will have on Analytic results. I feel that only the really tech-savvy/paranoid would look to install the plugin, but these are also the people who are very active on the internet...

Good article. I know a lot of people feel uncomfortable about others tracking their behavior online and I am one of them. In general, I really dislike any form of advertising and when I see ads relevant to the stuff I like I realize that somebody is tracking me. Rarely does an ad convince me to buy something on the spot, I buy stuff when I need it and I'm sure I can find the best deal using the Internet anyways.

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