
Posted by Mark S Fiore

Now I was looking to see if I could figure out how much money the game Farmville is making on Facebook and came across this post. It calculates which plants produce how much and the 'revenue' you can make from them each day. In my search I found countless others on this same scale and I just found it amazing how important it is to some people that they have calculated these for every single plant in the game.


I actually went through and calculated them myself when I first started playing. But then I find math relaxing.

That is actually what most players are saying about the game: they enjoy it because it is relaxing. You don't have to get invested in it like World of Warcraft, and you can never loose or die. It is something to do to pass the time an relax the mind, which is why it is especially popular with people at work.

I think that's pretty amazing to be able to calculate the costs of plants and the revenue. I've tried playing this game before and I never understood what was so great... either that or I just never got into it. However, I do know many of my friends play Farmville and posts the pictures of their farms up.

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