Facebook developers will now have access to your email address  

Posted by Dr. Raj Murthy in , ,

Privacy activists will soon be rallying against this but Facebook has decided that it is 'logical' for developers to have access to your email addresses. Developers of apps such as LivingSocial have been asking for this functionality for a while given that CTRs for emails have gone as high as 12 %. How will it work? Well, developers can now ask you to share your email address and under the CAN-SPAM regulations they will get to store your email address indefinitely. Facebook recommends that app developers send their customer relevant information such as "receipts for purchases they make, messages to help reactivate them if they haven't visited your application or integration in a while, or newsletters promoting new features or contests." Ladies and Gentlemen prepare for a new wave of spam.

Read the story here and Facebook's actual blog post here


I think that this is not cool. People try to keep their email addresses private in order to avoid this type of problem and here Facebook is making it ok for these people to have it and use it. Boy am I glad they don't have my most recent and main email address.

I personally find this very distressing as a avid Facebook user. Privacy issues are a true concern of mine. The more you are connected online the more susceptible as a user to being taken advantage of. I'm hoping that more laws will be put in to place to deter developers and marketers from gaining access to information that you haven't given up intentionally. Social Networks like facebook should not be able to gain access to information that you haven't willfully and knowingly given for unknown use.

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