Tasti D-Lite to Reward Brand Tweets  

Posted by Danielle Flaro

A lot of companies make you buy their product to get points towards a free giveaway. Tasti D-Lite, a popular frozen dessert store, however is using their loyalty cards a different way. In order to get points towards a free ice cream all you have to do is Tweet about Tasti D-Lite.

Tasti D-Lite ties their loayalty card to their customer's Twitter and four-square accounts and everytime they update their status about the Tasti D-Lite brand the customer receives 1 point towards their free ice cream. After 50 points they get a free cone or cup.

This is a good way for the companies to get their name out there using social networks. Instead of just having the same customers come into the store over and over again to fill in their loyalty card you are having people get your name out there by Tweeting about you.

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I think this a really smart idea to get free publicity and advertising. The only downfall could be it if people in turn started twitting negative things about your brand.

This is brilliant. Even if people Tweet negatively about the brand, it still gets the brand name out there (no bad publicity). The increased number of times a brand name is generated online, the more people know about it and become interested in forming their own opinions about it. This is such a simple and easy way for the business to reward itself and it's customers, I'm just mad I didn't think of it myself.

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