The pope wants priests to start Blogging.  

Posted by Dr. Raj Murthy in , ,

Pope Benedict XVI has a message for priests of the Catholic Church: they must proclaim the gospel by not only having a website, but by blogging and utilizing new web communication tools. Oddly enough it seems like the Pope wants priests to go social. Keep in mind that the Vatican already has a you tube channel and several facebook and iPhone apps. Seems like everyone is catching on to using the Internet, so the difficult part now is trying to come up with strategies to make yourself unique. In other words what makes you special and different. This core competency needs to be expressed and made obvious in every effort irrespective of the media being used. An excerpt from the message

".............Yet priests can rightly be expected to be present in the world of digital communications as faithful witnesses to the Gospel, exercising their proper role as leaders of communities which increasingly express themselves with the different “voices” provided by the digital marketplace........."

Read more from Mashable and the original news source 


I think this is a great idea! Priests may not be quite up-to-date on modern ways to communicate online, but I think this could help promote the faith these priests are teaching in a way followers aren't used to but welcome. This could be a way for less involved members of the church to still get their "dose" of religion and do it on their own time. Plus, it may attract a younger crowd and the church is always looking for new members.

Transparency seems to be the new buzz word for businesses and their use of social media. And if such an approach is helping corporations gain credibility and trust among its consumers, what shouldn't the same principal be applied to religion as well.

I think that this is a smart move by the Catholic church. I believe that religion today has the connotation of being exclusive, out-dated and boring. Reaching out to people in a medium that they embraced will make the church seem more open and welcoming and may reach people that they otherwise would not have.

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