Facebook continues to change their look  

Posted by Ashley McCaslin

While I am sure that most of you have seen the new layout for Facebook, I am curious to see if it is something that the class likes. I feel like even though it claims to be easier to understand, I think it is kind of overwhelming and relies too heavily on visual icons. I know that a lot of the classes I have been in stress the importance of images in understanding, but isn't there a point where it hinders instead of helps?


The icons I think help the general look appear friendlier and a little more creative, something that Facebook's blue/white style has definitely lacked. Using it normally I find the new design to use most of the same layouts as the previous theme, apart from the header navigation bar.

To be honest I have never liked opening an entirely new page to access my messages (which I mostly never read). So a dropdown box is the perfect choice to quickly mark "as read."

I will admit, it is terribly annoying every time you log onto facebook and they change the layout. However, I feel like the newest version is a better design and a lot easier to use. I was apprehensive at first, but after navigating around for a while the design is more effective. It was smart to put certain content in specific areas, and it makes it easier to use. Related to the comment above, I do like where the new messages are located. I just wonder if they will change it again just after I get used to the new one.

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