Googles new SEO component  

Posted by Saj8365

Google is to launch its own SEO agency in May 2010; being the worlds first search agency to guarantee first page rankings and winning the most prominent keywords. Other SEO agencies will now find the competition even more stiff and the odds stacked impossibly high against them. In order to be successful at what you do, you must be able to adapt and bend with the morphing market, so current SEO agencies will have to focus on other aspects of the industry in order to keep a float.
However, Google SEO's services have high early estimates of their services with the average minimum being $25,000 per month.


That is funny this made me realize that I often get to youtube and by searching it in my google tool bar!

This could be a great thing for businesses that do not have the knowledge or means to ensure they have proper SEO. however the price tag will be a deterrent for small companies.

This is really interesting, and definitely an indication of where advertising is heading in the future. It is apparent now that SEO is crucial in maintaining a strong presence online, and though it is still a fairly new concept, companies need it to be successful. The pricetag may be large, but this way the larger companies that can afford it can see if it works for them, while other, smaller companies can wait to see the results, and hope that the price goes down.

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