Retailers Will Focus on the Basics This Holiday Season  

Posted by Anonymous in , ,

According to an upcoming eMarketer report that previews the online holiday shopping season, the tough economy has affected how holiday season retailers will go about marketing to consumers. Retailers will rely on 'proven marketing techniques like paid search and e-mail marketing', while other techniques such as social media (Facebook, Twitter), won't be used.

I would have thought that social media would be used in a tough economy where companies may be strapped for marketing money. Being that social media is free, it seems like it would be favored by those companies who are looking to keep their money in the bank, however, social media is not yet a proven marketing tactic. Since it is not yet a proven tactic, the marketing tactics that are proven will be used because the companies can be assured that the tactics will work, which means more money in their pockets.

Interesting article because I would have assumed the opposite.


There is a tendency in the industry to be very wary of things that are new. Sadly this is one such case but this is merely the retailers. Retailers account for a much much smaller portion of the advertising and promotion activity in our daily lives. Much of it comes straight from the actual manufacturer who are already big on social media but the retailers want to play it safe.

I just posted an article that discusses the use of social media this year for Holiday Sales promotions. The article I found too stated how there is some discrediting and disbelief of the impact and successfulness of using social media to market this. We will see!

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