Terrorist using Twitter, WOW, and Second Life  

Posted by Chelsea Bruha in , , ,

I landed across this article (Look under "Help the Terrorist") by accident, but it is really quite interesting.  Terrorist are using Twitter tweets to get real-time information to plan their attacks.  There also is evidence that terrorist use World of Warcraft (WOW) and  Second Life to recruit members or just to spread their message.  The article asks the reader to calm down before you begin to freak out.  Information actually reduces fear, and if we were to cancel Twitter, WOW, and Second Life because of terrorist, it might actually cause more fear, and perhaps more death rates. 

Maybe this article comes to no surprise for some people, especially since terrorist have been using technology to the fullest in order to achieve their ill-fated goals.  Will this slow down the production of other social media sites designed to help millions of people connect with the click of a button?


I don't think the creation of other social media sites will slow down due to this issue. It is a given that such forums would be used for purposes other than catching up with old friends. One has to assume that since SNS's are tools used to communicate with others, that anyone with access to the internet will use them to communicate with all sorts of characters (unsavory included).

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