Twitter will turn a profit in 2009  

Posted by Dr. Raj Murthy in , ,

With all the talk about a revenue stream for Twitter the microblogging service going on in class it is worth nothing that Twitter will actually turn a profit in 2009. The deals with Bing and Google have netted Twitter something to the tune of 25 million ( this information is an estinate, actual numbers were never revealed ). Tweets will now appear on both Google and Bing search results as part of the deals. It is also interesting to note that Microsoft's Bing search engine was the first to sign the deal with Twitter, perhaps as a move to gain some strategic advantage over Google. Google followed shortly thereafter and signed a similar deal.

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To me, it isn't surprising that twitter will finally turn a profit. Actually of this article, I was more surprised that there are 58 million people who use twitter each month .

I have read several articles on twitter and none of them have given an estimate of how many people actually use twitter at any given time. They have all said about the same thing... "twitter has x amount of users but a small percentage of users that interact regularly."

I'm glad to see some real numbers here.

I am not surprised that Twitter decided to go with the search engine business model considering the power of search engines lately. I personally am not a fan of this because of the lack of security features in Twitter. The only options available are to make all your tweets public, or making them only visible to followers. It doesn't seem innovative to me, but seems practical at best, which in Twitter's case, is necessary since they were not making any money beforehand.

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