Google Tests Skippable Ads on YouTube
Posted by thomas_byllaardt in Google, Online Advertising, videos, YouTube
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After reading the post about how Online Video Ads are Booming, I came across this article about how Google will begin testing "skippable" pre-roll ads in videos on YouTube this week, and how it could lead to a new advertising model.
People who find the video they are looking for have the option to skip the ad and go directly to the content. This can open a whole new look at how people view ads online and what ads actually work. It will give Google (along with partnering companies) better insight on human behavior.
"The test that determines if and when people watch the video clips will provide Google with insight into the type of person who may skip an ad, what type of ad they might skip, and what piece of content does better than another. Google also will look at whether some ads are skipped in a specific portion of the session. Does the person skip the ad in the first video versus the third during a 30-minute time slot while on YouTube? "