The Top 2009 Social Media Trends for Moms
Posted by Danielle Flaro in moms, Social Media
Social Media sites such as Facebook started off by targeting college students, then it moved to high school students now more and more moms are starting to join the multiple social media sites. Moms started off following friends and family but now more celebrities such as Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres who both have shows that target women have social media pages that women are now following. There are also a number of companies such as Huggies who teamed with circle of moms and created a Facebook page where moms could go and get parenting tips, give advice, and have offers from Huggies. many PR agencies are having moms try out new products and then blog about their experiences.
Now that moms are joining the social media sites a whole new way to target these women has been created. It's no longer just advertisements on the websites now moms can be more hands on , give their opinion and also get more than just a product from these companies.
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