100 Most Social Brands of 2009
Posted by Chelsea Palmer
According to Mashable.com, their exists a social media index called Virtue's Social Media Index (SMI) which collects data from major social networking sites via status updates, videos, photos, and blog posts to rank which brands are most socially popular. Some might speculate as to the validity of this index since mentioning a brand name could occur in both negative and positive forms. Regardless, the index maintains that whether or not the consumer is providing a negative or positive comment about the brand, they're still talking about the brand, which creates further brand awareness.
At the top of the list are the following: iPhone, Disney, CNN, MTV, NBA, iTunes, Wii, Apple, Xbox, and Nike.
Additionally, the index lists the brands that have gained an increase amount of attention from the previous year in 2008: Adidas, NBA, Nike, MLB, Nissan, Victoria's Secret, HP, and KFC.
For a complete list of the top 100 social brands for 2009, visit mashable.com