blackberry now aims for your wrist
Posted by Ximena Cestoni Aguirre in Blackberry, inPulse, watch
A place to discuss the emerging issues and developments of Internet Marketing
Posted by Ximena Cestoni Aguirre in Blackberry, inPulse, watch
Now people are going to be talking and receiving text hands free. I think it's all a bit much, is it really that hard to pull out your phone to see who is calling you or to wait five minutes to free your hands before you can text the person on the other side back.
There is also the design it may be a good size for a male but it may be a bit bulky for a females wrist. However if it got any smaller it would be imposable to read.
They've had several attempts over the years. I haven't heard much about the previous once after the initial buzz died down. At least this one has a nice screen. It states that it has one button interaction. I wonder if it is still user-friendly.
I agree with Danielle that it seems to be a device that actually doesn't save you that much time. I read someone that it is common for people going to meetings to place their phones on the table to make sure that they can keep up to date with communications at all times. I think that people who buy this will realize it's not as useful as they thought it would be.
It seems neat but pretty unfashionable. Could this be the modern calculator watch?