Google doesn't censor, we know
Posted by Brynna Baldauf
It has become an issue in the recent past that Google is not censoring what is said about religions in the search engine. Religion has always been a highly debated topic among people and Google unintentionally added a little flame to the fire. When something is searched for on Google, past searches that people have done are displayed to help aid the searcher. However, for the phrase "Islam is" no previous results were being yielded, thus causing people to think that those results were being tampered with. SImilar kinds of situations occured when a derogitive photo of Michelle Obama ended up within the first page of results for a Google image search. Google constantly apologieses but maintains that they will not tamper with the alogorithm or the results it kicks back.
This means that all indexing is still done in a seemingly fair way which is good for everyone else out there. Yay!
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