The Government on the Internet?
Posted by Chelsea Bruha
The White House is meeting with more than 50 of the country's top CEO's today, including CEO's from Facebook, Yelp, and Microsoft. For what reason? To revolutionize the government on the Internet. It is obviously clear the popularity of the social media sites, and there is no sign of it slowing down anytime soon. It appears that they want to meet to determine a way to give citizens a chance to voice their opinions. The article does not hint at any possibilities of what this meeting could accomplish, but I have a feeling it might include government pages in the the FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blog-mosphere arena.
What do you think they will do? What do you want them to do? Will this lead to too much government interference, or will it provide more government support, accessibility, and a feeling of connection with the leaders who run this marvelous country?
Read the article and list of CEO expected to attend here