How Pepsi Got It Right with Social Media
Posted by Alicia Schofield in Pepsi, Social Media, Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing campaigns can be hugely successful. They allow a channel for direct contact with customers which provides for extensive feedback. Pepsi has taken advantage of this collaboration with consumers and have seen positive results.
PepsiCo. began to see the positive results back in 2007 with the DEWmocracy campaign. This campaign allowed consumers to have a voice in choosing the next Mt. Dew's flavor, color, name and graphics, utilizing an interactive site. Based on the success of this, a second DEWmocracy campaign and the Pepsi Refresh Project were launched. These campaigns adapted to the times, utilizing Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Pepsi realized that using these social media platforms was the best way to interact with the public.
This is great example of how social media can be utilized for marketing. PepsiCo has realized that we're in a time where it's highly beneficial to integrate the customer with the brand. This collective intelligence (as the PepsiCo is calling it) focuses on collaboration with the consumer and this is important. It makes the consumer feel as though they are part of the brand, and this will have more of a long term impact which will benefit Pepsi in both the long and short term.
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