Sharing the Color of your underwear is one of the New 25 Things on Facebook  

Posted by Dr. Raj Murthy in , ,

If you were confounded by single word status updates on Facebook much like I was, this post should clarify that for you. I thought long and hard before posting this but I decided to anyway because it is an interesting change in consumer behavior. Online environments give us a misconceived notion of anonymity but still this seems like it is taking it a little further.

Those single word updates like black, pink, red etc reflect the bra color of your female friends on Facebook (to be on the safe side, I will say mostly female). Is this more than a privacy issue or is it just a change in culture where we just let our lives be more public than ever before.

Read more here.


I saw all of the color posts two days ago and was a little confused by it. One of my friends had left her status asking what the colors were for so I looked it up elsewhere online. When I posted that it was to raise awareness for breast cancer, one of her friends got angry that I had given away the "secret."

I definitely think that Facebook is going to be a new way to start trends now. The single word color statuses definitely has people talking. This is going to be a new marketing strategy that companies can use to market their product, but I can see too many people jumping on the bandwagon and making this strategy ineffective quickly.

This article is very interesting to me because a solid source of this little stunt still hasn't been identified. I can understand when certain businesses do things like this online because they are able to employ many people to make sure it happens and their desired effect is carried out. However, the article only mentions a few women from Detroit. Who are these women? Do they hold a lot of power or have a lot of money? Do they have many followers? I think it is amazing that, if this is the case, "average" people can create such a wave throughout the entire country with some quick punches at the keyboard. It just goes to show the power of social media and how far it spreads.

I don't quite understand how this was supposed to be connected to breast cancer awareness other than when you posted the color of your unmentionables, you "supported" it, even though the cause received no contribution from you.

It did gain a lot of following though, and for that I am surprised.

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