Google Buzz  

Posted by Rasheed Robinson

>It seems Google wants to reinvent the way we handle our social networks. It seems to be the concept that Google has with Google Wave but to the mass consumer and not B2B. Will this make it so Gmail is my only webpage up now?

Read about it here


There is quite a lot of work left to be done on this service. But I for one do enjoy the implementation of Google Maps as its canvas of choice. Seeing this from a B2B or B2C standpoint, companies could use this as a way to promote sales and ads without potential customers to know the name of their company or store. Finding it on the map is simple enough.
I have a preliminary editorial on my blog:

I don't think Buzz will be as successful as they would like. Google seems to think it owns the internet. Recently they have been trying to be more social web oriented but they are failing. Google Wave arrived with much hype only to fizzle out when invites were not sent. Google Buzz doesn't require invites but as Google Wave, it required a Gmail account.

Also Facebook is now talking about adding an email client to their social network. Is it more likely that people will use the email connected to their Facebook accounts, which most of their network uses with any email address, or will they sign up for Gmail accounts so they can use a limited platform that is Buzz?

Some people see Buzz as a trap to lure more people to Google's world where they can bombard them with more targeted ads so they can charge more for them. Others see it as yet another miracle that Google was kind enough to share with us. Either way, Google needs to open up if they want to compete with Facebook.

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