Social Media's Influence on the Super Bowl  

Posted by Chelsea Palmer in , , ,

America is all about the Super Bowl, whether you like it or not, and commercials that run during this once a year event have historically been very successful. Although this trend hasn't changed, a new trend has surfaced that is heavily influencing the Super Bowl, it's fans, and it's members. So what is this new trend? Surprise, surprise- it's social media.

Through sneak peaks and pre-suber bowl voting campaigns, companies are stepping up their game to get consumers more involved in what ads will ultimately be aired during the big game. Mashable wrote a blog on some predictable factors they foresee advertisers going for this year; to manufacture controversy, to generate buzz around spots, and skipping the super bowl altogether to instead promote business via social media.

The super bowl itself has been promoting the big game through Facebook and Twitter by creating a fan page as well encouraging fans to tag comments with #sb44 that pertain to the event. Fans and NFL players alike have also been using social media to voice their opinions and questions.

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It is of no surprise that Super Bowl advertisers are tapping into social media. The more they take advantage of these tools the greater their reach and influence they will have on consumers. By allowing viewers to vote on commercials they want to see during the Super Bowl gives the consumer more power, but also will have a positive effect on the advertiser by creating more buzz about their advertising campaign.

As we see businesses shift to use social media versus traditional media, it will be no surprise that it will change the traditional aspect to the Super Bowl. Many non-football fans would tune in to see the most recent commercials and it would be talked about the next day. As advertisers take an advantage of there online presence, it will be interesting to see what will happen to those creative commercials during the highly anticipated Super Bowl event.

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