Who's your doppelganger?  

Posted by Chelsea Bruha in , , ,

It's doppelganger week on Facebook, and it's spreading like wildfire.  Some are even saying that it is more successful than the bra color statuses that occured a few weeks ago.  Status updates are as follows:

"It's Doppelgänger week on Facebook; change your profile picture to someone famous (actor, musician, athlete, etc.) you have been told you look like. After you update your profile with your twin or switched at birth photo then cut/paste this to your status."

If you are lucky enough to look like Angelina, or you have been mistaken for a celebrity, change your profile picture!  There is an application, FaceDouble, that will match a celebrity to a picture you upload to the system. This is just another example of how social media can spread like wildfire, even if it isn't for a social cause.  Read the article here, and make sure you update your profile picture!


According to Mashable.com, the new trend to hit it big on Facebook is looking up your name on Urban Dictionary and posting the first entry that shows up.

This sounded like a fun idea and jumped right on the bandwagon because many people have told me I look like Uma Thurman. After about 2-3 days of this however I thought it became silly and really wanted my actually picture back up so I change it. I think this was a good idea but it would have been dobbelganger day instead of week.

This is an interesting application that I think I may have to check out. I never did change my FB profile picture to anyone famous because I've never been told I look like anyone famous. But now maybe I'll learn I don't look as unique as I thought...? Very interesting

I finally get the celebrity pictures on everybody´s profile. When I read this post, I was so intrigued by this application that I had to try it. The application in my opinion is not that easy to follow. I also had to enter some information that I thought it was irrelevant. Well, I guess that even if the application has some drawbacks, people will still use it.

Its amazing how much money people are making for all this applications. I wonder what will come next. Since now you can practically do so many stuff inside facebook.

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