Four ways that startups are using social media for real results  

Posted by Janice Murphy in ,

Startup businesses are notoriously low on cash, but need to employ successful marketing strategies in order to be successful. Social media exists as a low cost, highly effective means of marketing and communication for such businesses. Social media is essentially free, and allows startups to use money that would traditionally be allocated to promotion for other, necessary costs like production, research and development. Here are four ways that startups can use social media as a cost saver successfully:

1. Customer service - customers can receive a response in real time with social media
2. Building Community - Providing encouragement and invites to events
3. Product Marketing - Allows journalists and potential customers to have immediate and easy access to product information
4. Staying Organized - Streamlines work flow and creates an "online office environment" between employees who work from home

Find out more about how startups can effectively use social media here.


User generated content is perfect for start-up companies because it is free and easy to use. Also UGC is a good way to reach youth consumers, who are an immense asset if they become brand loyal.

The use of social media by businesses is growing rapidly and this article just shows the many different reasons they use networks.

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