It is related to SEM  

Posted by Adam Rosenberg in , , , ,

So it turns out Twitters new ad model is going to work very similarly to the way google adwords works. It will be interesting to see how this works of the king of microblogs, and how if it will have an effect on the current success. Twitter will try to keep there ads as organic as possible in search content. Interesting Article.


This is a great example of an article that everyone should read. Organic as possible could actually mean several things. Google has managed to perfect a technique that could potentially frustrate many users but whether Twitter can do this unobtrusively is still to be seen.

I think if Twitter was implementing any type of additional revenue plan, then mimicking Google's AdWords system, was quite smart. And it makes perfect sense to do so. I do not believe, personally, that this will aggravate users at all. If the ads are kept as organic as possible, this could prove to be extremely successful.

What an interesting article. I love that Twitter is implementing a revenue model without really changing much about the site. I do not think that users will get frustrated with ads, as long as their feed doesn't look any different. Individual tweets are extremely easy to pass over, so it will be easy for users to ignore the ones that do not catch their eye. This could be a problem for marketers, however, because their ads could easily go unnoticed.

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