Woot Your Own Adventure?!
Posted by Nicole M. Martin in Business Model, deal a day, woot
Despite the fact that this does not relate to web analytics, I'm posting anyways because this is interesting. Apparently Woot is changing their business model! Instead of offering just one deal a day, they are starting to offer many. The catch? Well, you have to navigate through a bunch of pages to see the different items that are being sold that day. Even though this may frustrate users, Woot admittedly says that they do not care.
"Yes, we fully expect to drive most of you away in frustration and disgust. That’s fine with us. As Michael Jackson and Prince have taught us, what good are a huge fanbase and massive public goodwill if you can’t squander them on crazy acts of ego-driven insanity?"
Now, I may be going out on a limb here... but April Fools! You almost got me WOOT... almost.
Check out the blog post here.
Now, I may be going out on a limb here... but April Fools! You almost got me WOOT... almost.
Check out the blog post here.