Posted by Dr. Raj Murthy

We have talked about  Twitter a lot and if you are still wondering if Twitter is going to be around for a while, here is the answer. With a new injection of cash into the business, it is just a matter of time before they decide on a business model that can sustain them in the future. Biz Stone mentions that advertising is still an option for Twitter but they are exploring other ideas as well.



Here is an article that confirms that Twitter did indeed receive $100 million. It does not state who actually is funding this donation as they want to remain anonymous.

This article also states that Twitter is planning on adding new services aimed for businesses.

I also found an interesting fact from this article: Facebook tried acquiring Twitter last year but the CEO of Twitter rejected this offer. It would have been interesting to see how it would have turned out if the acquisition did occur.

If you want to read more from this article the link is :

It is exciting to think that Twitter is truly just beginning as significant investments are being confirmed to help them launch more features. I think it is unique that Twitter is able to succeed as a business and grow in profiles everyday while taking plenty of time to decide upon the perfect revenue model for them to use.

I personally never jumped on the band-wagon becoming interested in Twitter, but since I have gotten one for this class I feel like I can learn to use it to really benefit me and the groups I work with.

I think Twitter will be around for a while and will shift from a personal networking site to a site for the business community. It seems like the perfect place for companies to place updates and for any retailers to give out coupons.

In class, we talked about the revenue model contest that Twitter is holding, but I really think that there needs to be some in depth research done to find a model that will work and bring in money. The contest may bring up some good points, but professionals in the internet marketing world should really apply their knowledge to Twitter's revenue problem for successful results.

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