Social networks dangerous for young kids?
Posted by Anonymous in Social networking
Many social networking sites set age restrictions for its members. Most require members to be at least 13 years of age. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible for these sites to verify the age people enter in when registering. Many people are becoming concerned as younger generations enter these social networking sites. This is a growing concern especially with scientists who believe young children spend too much time on the computer, which will later inhibit their development as they mature.
My concern is that people are going to begin relying on the internet as their main source of interaction and soon there will be no real face-to-face interaction and actual socializing which can be damaging to development and social skills. I also think that many kids are in position to be at a higher risk of privacy invasion because many do not understand the dangers of providing information online and how to properly protect themselves. I am curious to see how other people feel about this.
If you want to read more about this topic, here is an article related to it: