Celery: Twitter made easy for the elderly
Posted by Haley Clint
A Christmas gift for the Grandparents?
The technological boundaries that may have once stopped the elderly from jumping on the Twitter bandwagon have now been removed with this fax-to-Twitter service, known as Celery. The service allows users to write short handwritten notes that are then faxed, using their 'celery' machine, which electronically converts and posts them to the users Twitter page. Users can even print off their own Twitter pages to see who has responded to their tweets. The Celery can also be used to send emails. This video shows the Celery at work, and profiles one user who says that the Celery has helped her stay in touch with her grandchildren.
Connecting the elderly to the latest social media website using a device that many of us on Twitter probably wouldn't even know how to use. Now that's what I call irony. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!