Linked In wants users to connect more  

Posted by Tracy Williams in ,

It seems Linked In is bothered by the way people use their site. Facebook is leading the way when it comes to social networking sites. They have more active users, more activity, more applications and more growth than any other networking site. The popularity of Facebook increases the probability that business networking may also occur on their site much to the demise of Linked In. Linked In wants to change its strategy so that it may compete with Facebook which already has a huge headstart.

I don't think Linked In will be able to compete head to head with Facebook. Facebook can serves the same functions as Linked In, among others. They also add the convenience of potential connections already being on Facebook. I also think that by focusing on Facebook, Linked In is also missing Twitter which has risen quickly and serves as a great board for business connections to occur. It is more likely that a person will use Twitter to make professional connections than Linked In. because of the greater potential on Twitter.

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I guess I don't see any way that LinkedIn can compete with Facebook on that level. They are created for different purposes and therefore, serve different communities (although many overlap, people choose one over the other to suit their needs at the time).

Facebook is social and business, if used in the right fashion, where LinkedIn is created entirely for the professional user.

How could they change their entire business with out pushing out their users who utilize the site for professional needs?

Once place where I think LinkedIn could do better is their interface. I signed up for it a week ago because a bunch of people kept on pestering me about it. Compared to Facebook, their interface is atrocious. It is too crowded or busy and the divisions between sections are too mundane to create the perception of separation.
It has its purpose, but I've learned in other classes that B2B marketing is becoming more aesthetic. Just because you're a professional doesn't mean you're willing to deal with garishness.

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