NY Times will start charging for content  

Posted by Dr. Raj Murthy in , ,

We all knew that this day was coming, NY Times will soon start charging for access to its website. No more free news, at least not from NY Times anyway. I see this as a last ditch effort for the print media which should have gone away a long time ago. Here is my prediction, the number of people who use NY Times will slowly start to disappear and get their news from elsewhere where it is still free. Print media is struggling and what they really need to be doing is trying to change instead of burying their heads in the sands and hope that the Internet just goes away.

Read more about this here


It seems like this idea is just an accident waiting to happen! It seems too obvious that this idea will not work as well as they want it to. I completely agree with your prediction, Professor. However, I think it will happen faster than you think. Once people realize they have to pay for the news, they're going to stop going to NY Times Website automatically. The news is basically the same almost anywhere you go online.

It's amazing how they are taking this big of a risk at a time like this. Economy-wise, we are still recovering financially, and people, more than ever, quickly bounce off a website if they find out they have to pay for something they can get elsewhere for free.

Unless other websites start charging for people to use the site, this business strategy will not succeed.

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I also think that, given the current business models being used by news providers, NYT may in fact lose business. I personally feel it is a strategic move based on the upcoming shift towards e-readers, and the rumored Apple 'tablet'. If a strong enough push was made by enough strong forces in media towards e-reading of content, then maybe it is not a bad idea after all as a print newspaper replacement.


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