Ford is kicking it up a notch with their technology  

Posted by Ashley McCaslin

On the news this morning, YNN had a special reporting about how Ford is doing all it can to gain market share while Toyota is getting their act together after recent news about sticky acceleration pedals in their vehicles. Evidently, in Ford's latest models, they are installing new technologies in hopes of attracting more consumers.

Among these technologies include a capability to access Twitter updates while in your car. The car will instantly read your twitter updates to you as you are driving. Although you cannot verbally give the car your new updates, it is suspected that within the next 12 to 18 months, that such technology will be announced from Ford.

While this was the only internet related capability, others included applications that the owner could buy to install in their car. On was an app that will block the ability to text while driving. It does this by being able to locate the location of the car as well as the speed it is going.

For more information about instant Twitter updates click here


This is very interesting. Are our automobiles going to become an extension of our laptops as well as our phones? Welcome to the future. Soon enough, all forms of technology are going to link to each other, and no one will be able to hide from social media.

I skim my twitter and facebook posts so I personally would fined it annoying and distracting to have Twitter in my car with automatic audio Twitter updates. Plus my music is always on when I drive so that specific idea does not interest me.
That's not to say I don't like the idea of apps in a car. There are a lot of useful apps that could be created to help a driver. I would definitely install that text app into my sisters phone.

I'm not really a Twitter user but I don't understand why it would be necessary to have your tweets read to you while you're driving. What is so important on someone's Twitter that they can't wait until they get home or wherever they are going. I don't know maybe I am missing something.
However I think the not allowing you to text app is a good idea, I know I text when I drive more than I should. But I also think it would be good for parents to download it on their teens phone because they are new and not the safest drivers out there and they don't need anymore distractions.

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