How much will you pay for?  

Posted by Brynna Baldauf in , ,

Nielson, an online research firm, hasjust published its most recent study findings and has found that 79% of people polled would avoid websites that require their money. Nielson went above and beyond, asking 27,000 participants from over 50 countries about their feelings on ads and paying money online. 43% said that a simple payment process would make them more likely to pay for content. The study also found that if a user must pay for content, 63% said that there should be no ads on the site. The study found that content that users would and do pay for are things that are professionally done such as movies and television shows. The study also found that 62% of people, if they pay for content should have the right to share it with whomever they please.

What does this mean for ad-based companies? What websites will charge us next?

Full article available here.


I don't mind advertising as long as it isn't obtrusive. I can't stand the ad that pops up and follows you as you scroll until you click "x". Especially if they cover up content.

Another problem with it is that I don't want to click on that x because I worry that it will take me to a bad website. Even though the websites may be legit, you do not know if they have been compromised.

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