Kevin Smith Is Too Fat For Southwest?  

Posted by The Steve in , ,

Over the weekend director Kevin Smith, known for his films such as Clerks and Dogma, was kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight because he violated their policy which states that if a customer cannot put both of their arm rests down or whose bodies spill over into other seats are required to bu a second ticket. The policy is aimed at keeping other passengers comfortable but it back-fired on Southwest since Smith has 1.6 million followers on Twitter who read all about his ordeal.

Southwest was quick to apologize on their own Twitter page and also stated that they left him voice-mails apologizing for the situation and that they would attempt to reconcile it. This issue has brought to light the issue for obesity in America and how companies like Southwest deal with it, as well as the fact that it is doubtful this would have been brought to light had Smith not been a celebrity but a normal person.

To read more about the story click here.


There are definitely multiple pros and cons about this situation. Regarding Twitter, this just shows the power that the internet can have, even on large companies such as Southwest. The more followers you have, the more power you have. However, it is a little sad that someone who DID violate policy, whether he is a celebrity or not, can get out of trouble by having tons of listeners and essentially ganging up on a company that only followed the rules.

It is sort of silly, though, that airlines do this. I mean, with America's obesity problem, you would think that maybe if they were overweight and wanted to fly somewhere, they would maybe pay a little extra for the seat next to them. Paying for the whole second seat seems a little too much.

I agree, Ali, that it is quite incredible how fast companies can use the Internet to solve problems.. it almost seems abnormal, and too fast.

With the tough economic times that the airplane industry is in, it kind of is a shame that a whiner can get whatever they want. These rules and regulations are all clearly stated, its not the airlines fault that the person is obese. It seems that society is becoming more and more focused on the idea of placing blame on others.

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