University Offers a Master’s Degree in Social Media  

Posted by Unknown

I have a deeply vested interest in social media/networking and how it can benefit one's career or hurt it. It amazes me how only in the last year (2009), Facebook has dominated the social networking world - and by my perception, not by continued innovation, but by the addition of subscribers. Facebook has not changed much at all in the last 2 years except for a recent renovation in appearance and expanded selection of applications, but what has changed is the amount of users, in the hundreds of millions. It seems apparent that it will become more common in the near future that social networking vernacular will seep in the 'common' vernacular, and ways of doing everyday things. It seems that today social media/networking exists between every common person and celebrity and organization/company. The relationship will continue to evolve and change but it will become more relevant as profitable uses for it become clearer and more people depend on it.


Excellent commentary on the post, facebook seems to have peaked so to speak very early. With a staggering number of users they have felt no pressure to add value to the user's experience. Facebook advertising has a much higher targeting capability that is unparalleled by any other social media website, still it is only a matter of time before it becomes too much to bear. The critical component here will be finding that just right mix of properly targeted ads in the right quantity and maintaining a balance between using Facebook for promotion and for maintaining relationships with the consumers.

This was a very interesting pot to read. Initially it seemed surprising to read that a university would be offering a master's degree in social media, it began to make more and more sense to me as read further into the article. I think that this is the direction that our society is moving in and that this type of program will become more relevant and popular in the near future. This industry will be where the most jobs are. I also do agree with the concerns that the content in the class will not be in-depth enough because I do not feel as if this is something that one could master due to the fact that social media is an ever evolving industry.

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